Condition Price Qty  
Very Good $99.00
Good $89.00
This is the original features and specifications book that was printed specifically for Buick dealers. It contains nearly all the specs needed to service all the Marquette. Includes frame dimensions, engine specs, and torque limits. You will find service specs for the body mounts, sheet metal, steering, suspension, drive axle, brakes, engine, transmission, transaxle, electrical, and paint & color. You will also find Special Mechanical Features for the frame, radiator, engine, rear axle, thermostat, steering, valves, lamps, tire carriers, chassis, and much more. This manual covers all 1930 Buick Marquette models. Buy now to own the best manual for your vehicle.
"Specifications and Adjustments Maquette 1930"
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1930 Buick Series 30 - Marquette
1930 Marquette Series 30
1930 Buick Series 30 - Marquette 1930 Marquette Series 30