Condition Price Qty  
Very Good $259.00
Good $249.00
Fair - Back cover missing $239.00

This is a dealer-only album that salespeople used. You can use this book to restore your vehicle to its historic best, upgrade with factory options, or to authenticate equipment already installed. You will find the following information in this book:

Data or Facts -- the most detailed information on standard and optional equipment, specifications, dimensions, accessories, and trim packages. You will find out the dealer's "inside information" that is far more detailed than a sales brochure. You'll find detailed descriptions of interior and exterior styling as well as mechanical and safety features with explanations of how the car changed for 1938. See pictures and descriptions of accessories. Buy now to be one of the few collectors to own this privileged information.

"Dodge Brothers Dependable Motor Cars"
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Covers 1938 Dodge cars sold in the USA, including all body styles: four-door touring sedan, two-door touring sedan, four-door sedan, two-door sedan, coupe, coupe with rumble seat, convertible coupe, convertible sedan, seven-passenger sedan, and De Luxe Suburban.
1938 Dodge D8
1938 Dodge D8