Condition Price Qty  
Good $189.00

This is a dealer-only album that salespeople used. You can use this book to restore your vehicle to its historic best, upgrade with factory options, or to authenticate paint already installed. You will find the following information in this book:

Color album -- -- examples of the paint. Each dealership usually had only one or two copies of this valuable book, so these albums are much rarer than most other types of literature. Includes 8 solid colors, plus three two-tone chips. Also includes images of two tones on the car. There's a plastic overlay so that you can envision colors on the car.

Buy now to be one of the few collectors to own this privileged information.

"Plymouth Body Color Selector"
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1952 Plymouth Cambridge
1952 Plymouth Concord
1952 Plymouth Concord Deluxe
1952 Plymouth Concord Special Savoy
1952 Plymouth Cranbrook
1952 Plymouth Suburban
1952 Plymouth Cambridge 1952 Plymouth Concord 1952 Plymouth Cranbrook 1952 Plymouth Suburban