Condition Price Qty  
Very Good $19.00
Good $9.00
Printed by GM, this is a book that was originally used by Buick and Oldsmobile dealers to calculate labor charges for repairs. The book is organized by part, and then by operation (such as replace a particular part, clean a particular part, or perform a repair). You’ll see the name of the repair operation, and then a time estimate of how long the repair should take. You will find labor estimates for a whole range of services including both body and mechanical repairs, for everything from minor services to major overhauls to accessory installation. Way too many to list, here is a sampling: Lubrication, bodies, brakes, suspension, transmission, air conditioning and much, much more. All text, no illustrations. Buy now to own this original Buick & Oldsmobile guide.
"Labor Time Guide Effective Date April 18, 1995 Platform C 1994/95 Ninety Eight Park Avenue"
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Covers Olds 98 and Buick Park Avenue models only.
1994-1995 Buick Park Avenue Sedan 4-Door
1994-1995 Buick Park Avenue Ultra Sedan 4-Door
1994 Oldsmobile 98 Regency Sedan 4-Door
1994-1995 Oldsmobile 98 Elite
1994-1995 Oldsmobile 98 Regency Elite Sedan 4-Door
1994 1995 Buick Park Avenue 1994 1995 Oldsmobile 98 1994 1995 Oldsmobile 98