1925-1929 Studebaker Standard 6 & Dictator 6 Parts Book Reprint

Price: $49.00
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This is a reproduction of the book that was printed by Studebaker to use in the dealer's parts department. You will find Studebaker's original part numbers along with pictures of many parts. Use this book to make your search for parts both quicker and easier. The illustrations in the book will help you to identify parts. Find out if the parts on your car and the parts you are buying are original and complete. You'll find the following parts: engine, oiling, cooling system, fuel system, ignition, lighting, wiring, clutch, transmission, pedals, propeller shaft, universal joint, rear axle, brakes, steering gear, throttle & accelerator control, wheels, wheel carriers, frame, springs, exhaust, fenders, splashguards, running boards, hood, instrument panel, spar & heat control, accessories, and tools. You'll see a list of serial numbers for the cars, plus an exterior photo of each body style.  New condition.  Buy now to own this useful book.
"Studebaker Parts Book Standard Six ER & EU Dictator Six EU & GE 1925-1929"
Faxon Auto Literature
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You can use this manual to restore 1925-1929 Studebaker Standard SIx and Dictator Six cars, including series EU, ER, and GE. See my other items for models not covered in this book.
1925-1926 Studebaker Standard Six
1927-1929 Studebaker Dictator
1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Studebaker Dictator 1925 1926 1927 1928 1929 Studebaker Standard Six