1946 Chevy Radio Manual Original Car & Truck

Price: $89.00
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This factory information shows you how to repair your vehicle. Includes radio installation instructions. You can use this book to diagnose a noisy or dead radio. Look for parts lists with part names & numbers for tubes and vibrators. There are only a couple of illustrations in the book. With step-by-step instructions you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there.

Why buy a factory manual?
Fix it right the first time with the factory repair manual and save money by doing the job yourself. Factory experts prepare these manuals for their dealership service departments, so they're the most complete and specific source of repair techniques. Repair manuals are also called shop manuals, maintenance manuals, service manuals, or technical information manuals.

"Automobile Radios Engineered Exclusively by Chevrolet 1946 Radio Installation and Service Manual"
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1946 Chevrolet Fleetline 1946 Chevrolet Fleetmaster 1946 Chevrolet Sedan Delivery 1946 Chevrolet Stylemaster Series 1946 Chevrolet Truck