1955 Chrysler Repair Shop Manual Reprint Windsor New Yorker Imperial 300

Price: $44.00
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This is a reproduction of the manual Chrysler dealer mechanics used on 1955 model year vehicles. You will find step-by-step illustrated repair instructions on front wheel suspension, rear axle, brakes, clutch, cooling system, electrical system, engine, fuel system, frame, springs, shocks absorbers, steering, transmission & torque converter, u-joints, propeller shaft, wheels & tires, body & sheet metal, radio and heater, air conditioning and lubrication. There are diagrammed exploded view illustrations, special tool lists and specifications for all procedures. 679 pages. New condition. Order now for this Chrysler manual.
"Chrysler & Imperial 1955 Service Manual"
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This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 1.52 inches
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Covers all 1955 Chryslers, including the C-67 Windsor, C-68 New Yorker, C-69 Imperial, and C-70 Crown Imperial.
1955 Chrysler 300
1955 Chrysler Imperial
1955 Chrysler Imperial Crown
1955 Chrysler Nassau
1955 Chrysler New Yorker
1955 Chrysler Newport
1955 Chrysler St Regis
1955 Chrysler Town & Country
1955 Chrysler Windsor
1955 Chrysler 300 1955 Chrysler Imperial 1955 Chrysler Nassau 1955 Chrysler New Yorker 1955 Chrysler Newport 1955 Chrysler St Regis 1955 Chrysler Town Country 1955 Chrysler Windsor