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Fair $39.00
This is a original supplement that a Jeep dealer mechanic would use to service your Jeep Fleetvan.  It shows repairs to the postal jeep that are different from repairs to a Jeep CJ.  For repairs that are the same, this supplement refers you to the CJ manual.  You will find step-by-step instructions on the F4-134 four-cylinder engine, fuel system, exhaust, electrical, transmission, rear axle, steering, brakes, frame, springs, and body . There are step-by-step service procedures, troubleshooting guides, and wiring diagrams. For complete repair instructions, use this manual in conjunction with the  Jeep CJ manual. Buy now for this essential repair manual supplement from Jeep.
"Service Manual Supplement To SM-1002-R3 Model FJ-3 Jeep Fleetvan (U.S. Post Office Dept."
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This book covers the 1961 and 1962 Jeep FJ-3 Postal Van. You will need this book, plus the Jeep CJ Shop Manual covering the same year. Together, you will have the best information to keep your Jeep on the road.
1961-1962 Jeep FJ3A
1961 1962 Jeep FJ3A