Condition Price Qty  
Good - Hardbound $89.00
Good $79.00
Fair $59.00
This is the same manual that Buick mechanics used to service cars. You will find detailed service procedures for lubrication & bearing service, the engine, fuel & exhaust systems, clutch, s-m transmission, universal joint, Dynaflow transmission, rear axle assembly, chassis suspension, steering gear & linkage, brakes, electrical systems, radio, heater, A/C, frame, sheet metal, and body. With the step-by-step instructions, schematics, specifications, special tool lists and wiring diagrams in this manual, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there. Buy now to own the best manual for your vehicle.
"1956 Buick Shop Manual."
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You can use this book to restore all 1956 Buicks, including Series 40 Special, Series 60 Century, Series 50 Super, and Series 70 Roadmaster vehicles.
1956 Buick Century
1956 Buick Roadmaster
1956 Buick Special
1956 Buick Super
1956 Buick Century 1956 Buick Roadmaster 1956 Buick Special 1956 Buick Super