This reprinted book is your ultimate resource for original part numbers for early model Buicks. It is a reproduction of the book your Buick dealer would have used to order parts back in the 1930s. You will find any part on your car. The numerical list covers practically every part that can be serviced from the factory. You will also find small line drawings indicating dimensions, representative illustrations (it is illustrated, though not as thoroughly as later model parts catalogs), most of the standard hardware (nuts and bolts), and the quantity per car. Covers most Buick parts back to 1923, with some coverage of 1916-1922.
You will find original parts numbers, which are still useful today because most parts vendors still use those numbers to keep track of their own stock. You can also use this parts book to find out which parts on your vehicle interchange with other years and models covered in this book. Parts books are the authority on the correct equipment for your vehicle; you'll know definitively which parts and accessories are original when you use this book.