1956 Ford Truck Hildy's Blue Book Special Equipment Catalog

Price: $189.00
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This book was used by Ford dealers to order equipment for their customers. You’ll find bodies and accessories from dozens of different manufacturers, including popular ones that you may have heard of, like Hendrickson Manufacturing, The American Coleman Company, Michigan Fleet Equipment, hackney Borthers Body Company, Galion Allsteel and The Jarp Corporation. Although this equipment is mostly from manufacturers other than Ford, the book itself was Ford-factory made and was used by Ford dealers to sell approved Ford equipment with new trucks. You will see a two-sided sheet for most pieces of equipment, which generally shows a picture and offers a description (the book is really a collection of brochures from the manufacturers). You'll find a variety of truck bodies, such as school bus, ambulance, small bus, station wagon, boxes, utility work bodies, parcel delivery, hearse, bottle truck, fire truck, road repair vehicles, and dump beds. You'll also see accessories like grille guards, four-wheel drive conversions, heavy duty springs, snow plows, tire carriers, winches, power take-offs, power brakes, trailers, and wrecker equipment.

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"Hildy's 1956 Ford Blue Book Special Equipment for Ford Trucks"
This item is original.
11.20 x 8.75 x 0.50 inches
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