This is a reprint of the manual Chevrolet dealers gave to their service team to learn how work on the Powerglide Automatic Transmission. You'll find detailed explanations of how the Powerglide works, see cutaway and exploded views, learn part names, see a diagnosis chart and shift points, and find out tips for working on the transmissions. You'll learn how the Powerglides changed over time - how these Powerglides differ from earlier ones, but also how 1958-1960 differ from one another, how 1958 transmission can be updated with later parts, and also how 1960 car and truck Powerglides differ from one another.
The book is divided into two parts. Part I (59 pages) covers the Car and Truck Powerglide transmission; Part II (28 pages) covers the Corvair Powerglide transmission. Each part of the book is further divided into sections covering the following areas: ( 1) Introduction to the Powerglide (2) Construction of Mechanical Components (3) Operation of Mechanical Components ( 4) Construction of Hydraulic Components (5) Operation of Hydraulic Components (6) Overhauling 1958 and 1959 Powerglide transmissions. For additional diagnosis and overhaul procedures, refer to the pertinent Shop Manuals. Buy now to learn more about your transmission.