This is a reproduction of the manual that came with your Fordson. You will find instructions for operating the tractor including details about P.T.O operation, attaching rear equipment, hydraulic system operation, wheel tread adjustments, and tractor weighting. You will also see detailed lubrication and maintenance instructions, specifications, and a list of recommended lubricants and the intervals at which they should be applied. NEW condition. Buy now to own the manual that you were meant to have as an owner/operator.
Owner's Manuals explain the operation and care of your vehicle. With step-by-step instructions, clear pictures, fluid capacities and specifications, you will have the information you need to get the most from your vehicle. Your owner's manual is designed by experts to keep you informed. Find out driving essentials such as the location and explanation of controls, safety tips, specifications and capacities, and sometimes scheduled maintenance. Owner's manuals are also called owner's guides, operating manuals, reference books, or glove box manuals.