"1960 Ford Car Owner's Manual." This is a high-quality reproduction of the manual that was issued with 1960 Fords. You will find step-by-step instructions for operation and service of controls and instruments such as the air-flow damper controls, battery, brakes, choke, convertible top, cooling system, locks, Fordomatic, fuses, heater, ignition switch, and a maintenance guide. The book measures 8" x 4.5", has 64 pages of illustrations and step-by-step procedures, and is in BRAND NEW condition. Covers 1960 Ford Galaxie, Starliner, Sunliner convertible, station wagons, Fairlane, Fairlane 500, & Courier sedan delivery. Buy now for the best manual for your Ford.
"1960 Ford Car Owner's Manual"
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1960 Ford Courier Sedan Delivery
1960 Ford Fairlane
1960 Ford Fairlane 500
1960 Ford Galaxie
1960 Ford Galaxie Special
1960 Ford Starliner
1960 Ford Sunliner
1960 Ford Courier Sedan Delivery 1960 Ford Fairlane 1960 Ford Galaxie 1960 Ford Starliner 1960 Ford Sunliner