This is the original set of manuals that Ford mechanics used to service vehicles. You will find detailed service procedures for brakes, suspension, steering, wheels, tires, rear axle, drive shaft, clutch, transmission (manual, automatic), engine, ignition system, fuel system, cooling system, exhaust system, charging system, starting system, lighting system, horns, instruments, ventilating, heating, accessories, body, doors, windows, trim, and seats. With the step-by-step illustrated instructions and specifications in this book, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there. Buy now to own the best manual for your truck.
"1967 Ford Truck Shop Manual" Volume 1, Volume 2, & Volume 3
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You can use the information in this manual to restore all 1967 Ford pickups and trucks, including F-series, B, C, CT, N, NC, P, and T series 100 through 8000.
1967 Ford F-100 Pickup
1967 Ford F-250 Pickup
1967 Ford F-350 Pickup
1967 Ford Heavy Duty Truck
1967 Ford Medium Duty Truck
1967 Ford P-100
1967 Ford P-Series Parcel Delivery
1967 Ford F-100 Pickup 1967 Ford F-250 Pickup 1967 Ford F-350 Pickup 1967 Ford Heavy Duty Truck 1967 Ford Medium Duty Truck 1967 Ford P-100 1967 Ford P-Series Parcel Delivery