1926 Buick Owner's Manual Reprint

Price: $14.00
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This is a page-for-page reproduction of the manual that came with your car. Inside you will find instructions for starting and operating the vehicle, instruments and controls, safety features, and storage instructions. There are detailed instructions for lubrication and adjustment of the brakes, carburetor, clutch, bearings, headlights, push rods, rear axle, spark plugs, tie rod, timing, choke, circuit breaker, tires, ignition, engine, oil pump, water pump, radiator, springs, starter, transmission, and universal joint. Also included are clear pictures, diagrams, and cut-away views of the internal components. It's an older reproduction that is no longer being printed. Buy now to own the best manual for your car.
Faxon Auto Literature
"Buick Reference Book For 1926 Standard Six Master Six"
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This book covers 1926 series Standard & Master Six models, including the Sedan, Coupe, Special, Brougham, Roadster, and Touring car.
1926 Buick Master
1926 Buick Standard
1926 Buick Master 1926 Buick Standard