This manual was written by Chevrolet to train mechanics how to remove, install, adjust, troubleshoot, and overhaul GM model B carburetors. These are one barrel carburetors made by Rochester. Learn how to adjust idle mixture and speed, throttle return check, and float level. You'll find out how to overhaul the carburetor, including disassembly and assembly. Cleaning, inspection, installation, and removal are also covered. You will find out how to troubleshoot and correct typical problems such as stalls, rough idle, hesitation, surging and fuel consumption. There are three versions of the carburetor - one for manual transmission, one for early Powerglides and trucks, and one for late Powerglides - differences are addressed in the book, as well as how to tell them apart. You get 57 pages of illustrated repair instructions, and a few blank pages for notes at the end. Buy now to find out how to work on your carburetor.