This book is a reproduction of a manual originally used by workers on the factory assembly lines putting cars together. You'll see page after page of detailed illustrations of how each part fits others. Use the part numbers and illustrations to help you verify original parts, to reassemble parts you are restoring, or to replace missing parts. You’ll find detailed parts illustrations and torque specs you haven’t seen anywhere else. This chassis manual includes transmission and clutch housing, clutch pedal and linkage, steering gear and linkage, shifter and linkage, steering column, suspension, brakes, brake pedals and linkage, brake lines, exhaust system, cruise control, and bumpers. This manual covers all 1969 Dodge Coronet, Super Bee, 440, 500, Hemi, R/T, Police, Taxi, and Wagons. This 8.5 x 11 inch book has 87 pages and is in new condition. Like all assembly manuals, this is reproduced from a book made for use inside the factory, and never intended for the public. Therefore, the print (like the print in original assembly manuals) is occasionally light. We have made every effort to restore the book where possible. It includes a table of contents, index, and page title for each picture. Buy now to own this never before available book.
"1969 Dodge Chassis Assembly Manual Coronet, Super Bee, 440, 500, R/T Police, Taxi, and Wagons"
Faxon Auto Literature
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 0.25 inches
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1969 Dodge Coronet 440
1969 Dodge Coronet 500
1969 Dodge Coronet Deluxe
1969 Dodge Coronet R/T
1969 Dodge Coronet Super Bee
1969 Dodge Coronet