This is a page-for-page reproduction of the manual that an AMC dealer mechanic would use to perform service on your vehicle. You will find step-by-step instructions for how to work on engine, cooling, electrical, fuel, carburetion, exhaust, emission control, clutch, transmissions, brakes, wheels, hubs, drums, rear axle, propeller shaft, front suspension, steering gear, weather eye, all season air conditioning, heavy duty equipment, fleet equipment, and body. With the step-by-step illustrated instructions, specifications, and wiring diagrams in this manual, you will have the information you need to get your project on the road and keep it there. Buy now to own the best manual for your car.
"1970 American Motors Hornet - Rebel - AMX - Javelin - Ambassador Technical Service Manual."
Sold Separately
This item is a reproduction
11.00 x 8.50 x 1.20 inches
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This book covers 1970 AMC models, including Hornet, Rebel, AMX, Javelin, and Ambassador.
1970 American Motors Ambassador
1970 American Motors Ambassador DPL
1970 American Motors Ambassador SST
1970 American Motors AMX
1970 American Motors Hornet
1970 American Motors Hornet SST
1970 American Motors Javelin
1970 American Motors Javelin SST
1970 American Motors Javelin SST Mark Donohue
1970 American Motors Javelin SST Trans Am
1970 American Motors Rebel
1970 American Motors Rebel Machine
1970 American Motors Rebel SST
1970 American Motors Ambassador 1970 American Motors AMX 1970 American Motors Hornet 1970 American Motors Javelin 1970 American Motors Rebel