Model Condition Price Qty  
815706456 Excellent $44.00
815706456 Fair $29.00
This is the ORIGINAL manual that was issued with your car. You will find instructions on the instruments & controls, operation of the standard equipment such as the assist starting, automatic transmission, heater, etc., optional accessories, tires & wheels, convertible features, appearance, and maintenance. Includes specifications, fuse chart, bulb chart, towing information and fluid capacities data. Covers The book measures 9" x 4" and has 45 pages. Buy now to own the best original manual for your car.
"Plymouth Belvedere 1966 Operating Instructions"
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1966 Plymouth Belvedere I, Belvedere II, Satellite, coupe, convertible, sedan, and wagons.
1966 Plymouth Belvedere
1966 Plymouth Belvedere II
1966 Plymouth Satellite
1966 Plymouth Belvedere 1966 Plymouth Belvedere II 1966 Plymouth Satellite